Building Mental Strength According to Buddhism Principles

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Kanokwan Khwan-on


The purpose of this academic article is to present the mental strength building in accordance with the principles of Buddhism, as Thai people are experiencing problems that cause stress and noise to depression which may result in illness. Psychiatric, self-harm or suicide as reported in the present, is caused by problems such as economic problems, social and environmental issues, including family problems. If Thai people, most of whom are Buddhists, turn to the spiritual anchor by adhering to the Buddhist teachings, namely the Four Noble Truths, consisting of suffering (Dukkha), causes of dukkha (Samudaya), cessation of dukkha (Nirodha), the path leading to cessation of dukkha (Marga), can help to strengthen the mind, accepting the truth that has happened in life, making that person strong from the psychological crisis or problem that comes to mind with happiness.

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Academic Articles


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