New Media for Propagation Buddhism in Modern Time

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Phra Talakan Kittikhutto


The article on “New media and propagation of Buddhism in modern times” aims to study the development of different types of media that can be used as a tool for propagating Buddhism. The methods of study were documentary study, research papers and observation on the development of media use for modern Buddhist propagation. The study indicated that new media was a communication technology or tools to facilitate communication for making fast communication status to reach the target group quickly and having more target groups such as computers, hardware, different types of communication devices, mobile phones that people can access to all sources, including social media systems, such as blogs, websites, Facebook, and lines. These are new communication tools in modern times. If we can able to apply these propaganda methods to propagate Buddhism, it will be very useful in broad religious communication that can be both usefulness, economical and consistent with modern times.

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Academic Articles


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