The general public participation in democracy under the principles of good governance

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Chamaiporn Kiti


The general public participation in democracy is a direct opportunity for the public to provide feedback and share their opinions base on their understanding of democracy. The general public should be part of the decision-making process, due to that decision will affect the livelihood of themselves and the others. The executive power of the country should practice good governance as a part of the decision-making process, which would help in making better decisions which is related to the problem and the need of the people. Using good governance also reenforce the country's executive power and the overall government to be more transparent to serve best and be accountable toward the people in all levels, these actions would promote and develop a successful and sustainable democracy in the long term. Being consistent in practicing good governance in all levels of the government will further develop and assure the best outcome for each government project and policy proposed. Good governance would assure that the general public rights toward government accountability and the right to check and balance; encourage the general public to voice out and be a part of the decision-making process in the most democratic way.

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