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ลลิมาดา ศรีจำรูญ


This article has adjective for studies online sales business ethics in Buddhism. By quality educated found selling online is a distribution channel that sells products quickly and conveniently, resulting in a large number of sellers. The competition has increased rapidly result is dishonesty to customers and unreasonable pursuit of profit make customers not confident in online shopping. The study was found that The Buddha laid down ethics as a rule in Buddhism. To be the standard of human behavior. To live according to human ideals. There are 3 levels of Buddhist ethics. Buddhist ethics, elementary level emphasis on social order the principles of the Dharma are the five digits of the six digits. According to Buddhism, precepts are the earliest practices in online selling. The precepts that are used are the second precept, Adinnatana Veramani, which is not fraud. Non-corruption with customers. The fourth precept, Musavada Veramani, is not to harm others with false or deceptive speech. Buddhist ethics at the middle level understand yourself as an online seller. The Dharma principle is that the 10 virtues of charity are online sales with the intent to involve other people’s property and communication. The seller’s mind must therefore have a pure intent, leading to a pure sale. The high-level Buddhist ethics it’s a middle way of life. Dharma is the way The sale requires equality between the buyer and the seller. In order to satisfy both parties. Online sales therefore need to have dharma principles to help support it as a guideline for conducting business with honesty and compassion by using the 4 Brahma Vihara. In addition, Sangahavattha 4 is used to support each other.

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