Buddhist Approach and Measures to Prevent and Solve the Problem of the epidemic Covid-19

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Phrakruwithansutaphirom Dhitiwach Warawatthano


This article aims to present a Buddhist approach and measures to prevent and solve the problem of the epidemic COVID-19. Using studies from documents related books and articles be described according to the phenomenon that has occurred in particular, the coronavirus disease 2019: (COVID-19) has a widespread outbreak in the People's Republic of China. Since December 2019, it is considered a new disease that does not have a vaccine that can fully fight the infection. However, when such a disease occurs it is necessary to find a variety of methods of prevention and correction. As in this article The Buddhist principles concerning conduct, the 4 meditation principles and the 3 S. principles have been used as a guideline for living in the midst of the disease that arises. It will enable living in the midst of abnormalities of disease with consciousness, wisdom, knowing, knowing, not being too scared to be able to overcome this crisis safely and securely.

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