Management strategies to create engagement with the community

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นพดล เจนอักษร
Phramaha Kraiwan Punnakhan (Chiinathattiyo)
Khattiya Duangsamran


An administrative strategy for community engagement is a process for school administrators to establish relationships either direct or indirect. Conducting activities with freedom according to the rights and duties of the community itself. The main goal is for the common needs of the people in accordance with the lifestyles, values, traditions and attitudes of the people in the community. Opportunities for community participation, monitoring and evaluation and share responsibility or share the benefits from the operation must have 5 management strategies; 1) community awareness strategy 2) community communication strategy 3) community assistance strategy 4) community cooperation strategy and 5) strategy to reduce the gap between family, community and school. Therefore, the administrators of the school and the community could apply them and use them as a guideline for further study.

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