Factor of School Plan Implementation Monitoring by Basic Education School Board in the School under Bangkok Metropolitan
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to know the factor of supervision and monitoring of the educational institute's plan's implementation by the Board of Basic Education Institutions, schools affiliated with Bangkok Metropolis and 2) Confirmation of monitoring components for educational institutes' implementation by the Board of Basic Education Institutions, schools affiliated with Bangkok Metropolis. The population is 437 Schools under Bangkok. The sample size was 205 schools under Bangkok. Each school has two informants: the director of educational institution and the chairman of the committee of basic education institutions and received questionnaires back amount 185 schools, for a total of 370 informants, obtained through Stratified Random Sampling, divided by area group Bangkok, 50 districts, 2 research instruments. The research instruments consisted of two issues: 1) 1 issue of a semi-structured interview form, 2) 1 questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis were frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis.
The findings revealed that:
- The factor of supervision and monitoring of the implementation of educational institutions by the Board of Basic Education Institutions, schools affiliated with Bangkok Metropolis have 4 components: 1) Monitoring system, 2) Principles of monitoring, 3) Monitoring plans for educational institution development, and 4) Monitoring of community development.
- The result of confirmation of the components of the supervision and monitoring of the implementation of the educational institutes by the committee of basic education institutions of schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan found that most of the school directors and committee chairmen There is a consensus opinion that the components of the monitoring of the implementation of the educational institution's plan by the basic education committee School under Bangkok is correct, appropriate, feasible and can be utilized.
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