Mechanism for driving the national strategy on education of the Ministry of Education into practice

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Sanguan Inrak
Prasert Intarak


The objectives were to study: 1) Mechanisms for driving the national strategy on education of the Ministry of Education into practice, and 2) confirm the mechanisms for driving the national strategy on education of Ministry of Education into practice. It was qualitative research were collecting the data by interviewing 17 experts from the Ministry of Education. And semi-structured interview as a tool for collecting the data and analyzed by content analysis. The mechanisms for driving the national strategy on education of the Ministry of Education into practice were confirmed with focus group discussion by 9 experts.

          The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The mechanisms for driving the national strategy on Education of the Ministry of Education into practice composted of 7 mechanisms as follows: Management, Planning, Budget management, Personnel management, Raising awareness and perception, Integration and participation, and Monitoring and evaluation. 2) The confirmation of 7mechanisms for driving the national strategy on education of the Ministry of Education into practice were accuracy, appropriately, possibilities and utility.

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