Analyzing the Lustful in Tipitaka

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Phrasamu Sangachai Kantipalo (Somrup)
PhraMaha yuthana Norachetto


This article aims to study the Lustful in Theravada Buddhist scriptures. The results of the study found that characteristics of people who have the Lustful as people who have a state of mind which is trapped in appearance, taste, smell, sound, and touch which becomes an emotion including people who have a good character, good manner, soft and melodious voice, addicted to beauty, good smell, deliciousness, and the Lustful refers to people who do not like to think, but they like to imagine. People who have Lustful have strengths which are delicateness, observance, good at collecting information and have a good character admired by everyone who sees it. They are also good at coordination; public relations and they work very well in the job that requires a good personality. The weakness of the Lustful people is the lack of concentration. It is hard for them to do the big projects, and they do not have a goal in their life, they have no leadership, they are very considerate to people, and they lack principles because they only focus on their own five senses which are appearance, taste, smell, sound and touch. They like to speak sweet words but may not be sincere. They have a strong temper, jealous, envious, and they like to imagine things. The bases or mental training that are suitable for the Lustful are the 10 Asuphakammathhana and the 11 Gikatanussati.

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