The Scenario the Priyattithamma School in General Education Division in The Next Decade

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Thanakit Ratchatasirakul


This thesis aims to study the future of the administration of the Phrapariyattidhamma schools. It covers the mission of the the Phrapariyattidhamma schools in academic administration, personnel management, budget management and general administration There were 21 expert persons. By the way, research methodology used in the study such as Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research (EDFR) techniques and Interaction effect between consequential trends and writing the future. The results of research were found that:

          As for academic administration, it was found that 1) there should be no transfer of learning results because the learning evidence has already appeared in 8 learning groups. 2) There should be a variety of teaching and learning activities. 3) Preparation of courses. Additional should be taken from the emphasis and should not be associated with the social studies, religion because it has been defined in the core curriculum.

          Human resource management It was found that the recommendations of experts regarding budget management were as follows: 1) There should be teachers and staff in accordance with educational qualifications in operation. 2) There should be a promotion, honor and honor in the performance. 3) There should be a teacher and staff performance evaluation as planned.

          Budget management 1) There should be a reserve budget to support projects that have exceeded the budget. 2) There must be a budget allocation plan to be consistent with the teaching and learning activities.

          General administration, it was found that 1) modern technology should be used in public relations of various schools and modern 2) Use educational media to benefit 3) There should be research work to develop policies and become a quality organization.

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