Elementary School Administration Model according to the concept of Royal Award Buddhist Oriented Schools

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Rattanachai Aeimpitakporn
Phramaha Kraiwan Chiinathattiyo


This Article aimed to study 1) to study the components of the Elementary school administration model according to the concept of royal award-oriented schools, 2) to create an elementary school administration model according to the concept of royal award-oriented schools, and 3) to evaluate and affirm the elementary school administration model according to the concept of royal award-oriented schools. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The data were collected by questionnaires with reliability at 0.92, structural interviews and checklist forms from 448 samples consisting of school directors, heads of department, board of basic Education schools and the teachers responsible for the project in 56 royal award Buddhist oriented schools. The data were collected from January 2021 to February 202and then analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis.

  1. The components of the Elementary School Administration model according to the concept of royal award-oriented schools consist of 5 components and 66 variables.

  2. The elementary school administration model according to the concept of royal award-oriented schools from exploratory factor analysis (EFA) has 5 main components; 1) School Administration, 2) School Activities, 3) Tri-Sikkha, 4) School Atmosphere, and 5) Behavior of School Administrators.

  3. The evaluation and confirmation of the model from experts in its were at 100 % verification of acceptable range of accuracy, suitability, possibility, and practicality.

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