An Analytic Study of Buddhist Social and Political Philosophies in Thai Society

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Phramaha Phutthiwat Chokchanthasit
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho


          This article aims to study Buddhist social and political philosophy in Thai society. This is qualitative research done by studying academic documents.  It was found that Buddhist social philosophy refers the nature of coexistence in a society that emphasizes peace and acceptance of Dharma principles as principles of coexistence. When we have the problems, they will turn to solve them with a fair system. In Buddhist political philosophy, it refers the characteristics of a leader who must have morality as an element because political leaders will have absolute power. Buddhism views that leaders can make their followers happy or suffer. It's easier to build a single leader than to create a multitude of people who are virtuous at the same time. Leaders must have dharmic principles for self-development. Therefore, social philosophy and Buddhist politics in Thai society are a view of a social system that emphasizes happy coexistence. and a leader with moral principles as the basis for governing.

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Academic Articles


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