A Comparative Study of the Reflectional Being of the Mara in Theravada Buddhism and Satan in Roman Catholic Christianity

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PhramahaTawichai Jina


This Research article aimed to study to compare the reflected image of Mara in Theravada Buddhism with Satan in Christianity of Roman Catholic. This is qualitative research collecting data from documentaries and related literatures. The results revealed that

1) The reflected Being of Mara in Theravada Buddhism indicates that Mara is the Tempter of the virtues of all human beings. It always presents as the obstacle or the destroyer of opportunities of doing good, merit and achievement or dhamma attainment. It urges human beings to do evils, to beguile in carelessness, to neglect the wholesome and to be attached with dhamma and terrifying human beings afar from good deeds or out of practices.

2) The reflected Being of Satan in Christianity of Roman Catholic demonstrates that Satan is angel besteading God. Afterwards, unwholesome sin occurred in his mind and making himself betrayed opponent. It always displays of represent or symbol of all evils, natural or moral. It stimulates human beings to do evils, or in dread and bring about diseases, dangers and dark blind to human being with complicating in the doctrine teaching

3) Both religions, on the same perspective, indicate reflected image as the obstacle or the destroyer of the good, urging, stimulating or defrauding human being to do evils and bringing about unwholesome dark blinded defilement to human mind. Drawing of disease to human being is on the different perspective. The point of view of Theravada Buddhism indicates that it occurs naturally but persuading of Satan, in Christianity of Roman Catholic.

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