Environmental planning and archeology design in Nong Khai Province

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Athithep Phatha
Natthee Sridee
Kris Sriya-ad
Kraiwut Chuwilai
Chainarong Krinnoi


The objective of this research is to study of the design of environmental layouts and archaeological site, and the use of environmental layouts and archaeological sites in Nong Khai Province. This research was qualitative research which emphasized on analytical studies in both areas and target groups. The research process was organized by extracting lessons learned and integrating data obtained from interviews, observations and joint operations using the Deming cycle process. It is a tool for conducting research at all procedures. The results showed that 1. Environmental planning and archaeological site design are considered to be able to help guide the access to the area of the archaeological site easily. The design of the archaeological site map should be focused on simplicity, clarity and the location of buildings and other religious sites within it by using symbols instead of identifying objects of those buildings or areas. 2. The Area Design and improvement and development through the process of group discussion until it was concluded and applied to the actual place in the community in 3 districts, namely Mueang Nong Khai District, Tha Bo District and Phon Phisai District found that the results were satisfactory, namely People understand the map of the archaeological site in Nong Khai province well and can access the archaeological site easily and can also identify the location or the important point of the archaeological site in the community through the map. 3. There are several benefits arising from the use of environmental planning and archeological sites, namely: 1) creating knowledge; The location and total area of each archaeological site; 2) having accurate access to each archaeological site; 3) providing incentives for historical studies; The importance of archaeological sites in the area of the people around that area.

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