Administrator’s Innovation Thinking Skill and Teacher’s Performance on the Professional Standard in School under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 1 Bangkok
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The purposes of this research were to identify: 1) the school administrator’s innovative thinking skills under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok, 2) the teacher’s performance on the professional standards in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok, and 3) the relationship between the school administrator’s innovative thinking skills and the teacher’s performance on professional standards in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok. The sample of this research were 53 schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok. The research instruments were a questionnaire on administrator’s innovative thinking skills, based on the concept of Horth and Buchner and teacher’s performance on the professional standards, based on the Regulation of the Teachers’ Council of Thailand Regarding Professional Licensure. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient The results findings were as follow:
- Administrator’s innovative thinking skills under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok, collectively and individually, was at a high level. The arithmetic mean ranking from the highest to the lowest were as follows; paying attention, crafting, collaborative inquiry, imaging, personalizing, and serious play.
- The teacher’s performance on the professional standards in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok, collectively and individually, was at a high level. The arithmetic mean ranking from the highest to the lowest were as follows; the performance on learning management and the relationship between parents and community.
- Administrator’s Innovative Thinking Skill and, the teacher’s performance on professional standards in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 1 Bangkok Overall positive relationship was at a high level, found statistically significant at .01 level.
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