Guidelines for Operation of Student Support and Care System in Expansion Opportunity Schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Jetbordin Boonyarat
Saroch Pauwongsakul
Nipon Wonnawed


This Article aimed to study operation of students support and care system in expansion opportunity schools and to study guidelines for operation students care and support system in expansion opportunity schools. The sample group was 252 teachers in expansion opportunity schools under. 1) The research instrument was operation of students support and care system questionnaire. 2) to find out the operation of students support and care system guidelines by focus group. The results of the study were as follows

  1. The guidelines for operation students care and support system in expansion opportunity was overall and in each individual aspect at a high level, ranking in the order as follows: promoting and developing students, knowing individual student, preventing and solving student problems, screening students, and transferring student.

  2. The guidelines for operation students care and support system in expansion opportunity. Knowing individual student: school makes understanding of the individual student information analysis in corresponding way. Screening students: School holds a meeting to explain, make understanding of and acknowledge using student screening criterion. Supporting and developing students: School cooperates with other organizations to support to develop students. Student protecting and problem solving: School holds a workshop for student protecting and problem solving for school personnel to be knowledge and skilled. Transferring student: school plans transferring students by establishment of a committee to follow up and evaluation.

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