Leadership of School Administrators in the Digital Age

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Karat Thongsaiphon
Kitima Srikhum
Khemarat Boonsuk
Mattana Wangthanomsak


This article has objective to study leadership of school administrators in the digital age. This research employed the documentary research methodology. It was found that rapid changes in the digital age have resulted in dramatic changes. to lifestyle behaviors including learning. The world of learning has evolved rapidly thanks to the presence of the Internet and the development of digital technologies.  The internet will play a greater role, allowing people in remote areas to access knowledge easily. While learning in a hands-on area is also an important part of developing skills in a variety of dimensions. Nowadays, technology plays a very important role in the education system. It is an indispensable part of helping education develop and grow at scale, which has the advantage of significantly reducing educational opportunity inequality. School administrators need to be leaders in technology to apply in education so that learners have equal access to quality resources and material.

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