The Development of Academic Achicvement under History of Thai Literature and Masterpieces (ED1020) Using Learning Activities Based on Rasep Model for The Second Year Students in Teaching Thai Language Program in Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus

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Atthapong Phiwlheung
Chum Phimkhir


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop learning activities in the ED1020 course: History of Thai Literature and Literature. 2) To develop academic achievement in the ED1020 History of Literature and Literature course in Thailand. 3) To study the opinions of second-year students in the Thai language teaching program. The research model was action research with 3 operational cycles. Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus, 54 people. Research instruments. Classified by nature of use in 3 types 1) The tools used in the practice. 2) The results of learning activities in each activity plan. and 3) a tool that Used to assess the effectiveness of learning management. The statistics used in the data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation.

The results of the research can be summarized as follows: 1) The results of the development of learning activities. By organizing learning activities based on the concept of RASEP Model, there are 5 steps: Step 1 Research, Step 2 Analysis, Step 3 Synthesis, Step 4, Explicit Knowledge. Knowledge) Step 5 Presentation (Presentation) The results of the activities found that able to meet the needs of learners, suitable for the target group and contributing to an appropriate learning atmosphere, organized systematic activities As a result, the students' achievement results passed the specified criteria. 2) The academic achievement of the second-year students. The learning activities through the RASEP Model can be developed for students to have average achievement scores of 80.50 percent, which is higher than the specified criteria; 3) second year students. There were opinions on the learning activities of the RASEP Model at a high level.

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