Leadership of Educational Institutions in the Digital Age

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Phurin Inrak
Nirattisai Piromdang
Anirut ์Niyomploy


At present, educational institution administrators must have a form of leadership that brings progress to the organization. Leaders of many successful organizations must be very visionary and put their vision into action. School administrators need to re-direct the way of thinking and management. In line with the change, there is a complete planning covering the mission and scope of all educational institutions, resulting in administrative processes, especially the implementation of the established patterns such as the organization of cultural and  educational institutions. Information technology, human resources, as well as control and evaluation wiith the current situation that has changed in the digital world, leadership is important to manage and drive the organization to be successful. Nowadays, the trend of change is happening rapidly and digital technology has come into play more and more. This leads to the need for leaders to adjust their management processes that are different from the original in many dimensions and management in the digital era. This article aims to present the characteristics of management in the digital age of leaders. It is found that planning determines what needs to change and leaders must have a better understanding of how digital technology plays a role in change. and know how to take advantage of technology or innovation in a variety of ways To be consistent with the changes that occur and can make the operations within the organization to be effective and productivity can be increased.

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