Transformational Leadership of Administrators and Student-Centered Instructional Management in the Schools under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area

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Siriphon Panklang
Mattana Wangthanomsak


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) transformational leadership of school administrators under under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area. 2) student-centered instructional management in the schools under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area. 3) The relationship between transformational leadership of administrators and student-centered instructional management in the schools under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area. The sample group is There are 63 schools under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area. There are two informants per school, consisting of 1) school administrators or acting in position 2) A total of 126 teachers. The research tools are questionnaire. The statistics used are frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Analysis.

The results of this research revealed that:

          1) transformational leadership of school administrators under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area, collectively and individually, were found at the highest level, ranking by arithmetic mean from the highest to the lowest were providing individualized, providing an appropriate model, identifying and acurating a vision, high performant expectations, and intellectual stimulation.

           2) student-centered instructional management in the schools under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area. Considering each aspect the result was highest in 1 aspect and was high in 4 aspect ranking by arithmetic mean from the highest to the lowest as positive classroom management, using media, innovation and technology and leaning resources that support learning, expressing opinion, give feedback for developing leaning method. Furthermore, using learning by doing method that can be applied in real life lastly, examining and evaluation systematically for developing student respectively.

3) The relationship between transformational leadership of administrators and student-centered instructional management in the schools under the Office of Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area. It was moderate level which was statistically significant at the .01 level.

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