The Group Dynamics’ Building in Business Organization Applying to the Seven Aparihaniyadhamma Principles

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Somkiat Leelataweewud
Phramaha Yutthana Narajettho


This article aims to analyze the applying of the Seven Aparihaniyadhamma Principles and the group dynamics in a business organization. Nowadays, they are facing the challenge which is the lack of the harmony in teamwork. Therefore, group dynamics is the approach for development of social and psychological relationships which help organizations in term of perceptions, attitudes and opinions within group or between groups. According to the Buddha’s teaching, Aparihaniyadhamma is the principle of harmony for effective teamwork. It not only leads to survive a recession but also it creates a prosperity in organization. There are seven topics as follows: (1) holding regular and frequent meetings, (2) meeting together in harmony, (3) complying common goals and rules and regulations, (4) respecting, honoring and listening the elders and community, (5) not under the power of lust, (6) honoring and worshiping the shrines, (7) supporting goodman who behave and act well. In summary, the seven Aparihaniyadhamma principles can apply to create group dynamics for business organizations. It can reduce the internal conflicts and create the harmony among team to achieve business goals and to create organization sustainability.

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