The Effects of Using CIPPA Learning Management Model in the Topic of the Plant Life on Learning Achievement and Problem Solving Ability of Grade 7 Students at Bangplama “Soongsumarnphadungwit” School in Suphanuri Province

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Suthasinee Pakdeenart
Tweesak Chindanurak
Nuanjid Chaowakeratipong


This Article aimed to study (1) compare learning achievement in the topic of the Plant Life of Grade 7 students in the group that learned under CIPPA learning management model with the counterpart learning achievement of students in the group that learned under the traditional method learning management; (2) compare the problem solving ability of Grade 7 students in the group that learned under CIPPA learning management model with the counterpart ability of students in the group that learned under the traditional method learning management; and (3) compare the problem solving abilities of Grade 7 students before and after learning under CIPPA learning management model.The sample was65 Grade 7 students in two intact classrooms of Bang Plama “Soongsumarnphadungwit” School in Suphan Buri Province during the first semester of the 2022 academic year.They was selected by random sampling. Then, students in one classroom were randomly assigned as the experimental group, while those in the other classroom were randomly assigned as the control group. The employed research instruments were (1) learning management plans for CIPPA learning management model, (2) learning management plans for the traditional method learning management, (3) a science problem solving ability test, and (4) a science learning achievement test. Analysis data by Descriptive statistics and Content Analysis. The research results were found as follows;

  1. 1. the learning achievement of Grade 7 students in the group that learned under CIPPA learning management model was significantly higher than the counterpart learning achievement of the students in the group that learned under the traditional method learning management at the .05 level of statistical significance.

  2. 2. the post-learning problem solving ability of Grade 7 students who learned under CIPPA learning management model was significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart ability at the .05 level of statistical significance.

  3. 3. the post-learning problem solving ability of students in the group that learned under CIPPA learning management model was significantly higher than the post-learning counterpart ability of students in the group that learned under the traditional method learning management at the .05 level of statistical significance.

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