The Emotional Intelligence of Administrator and Student Affairs Operation of The Schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi

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Tippamas Samdang
Mattana Wangthanomsak


The purposes of this research were to find 1) the emotional intelligence of the school administrator under the secondary education service area office Kanchanaburi, 2) the student affairs operation in the school under the secondary education service area office Kanchanaburi, and 3) the relationship between the emotional intelligence of administrator and the student affairs operation in the schools under the secondary education service area office Kanchanaburi. The sample group were 28 schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi. There are 4 information providers per school. the total respondents of 112. The research tool was a questionnaire about emotional intelligence and student affairs operation. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson's Moment correlation coefficient analysis.

          The research findings revealed the following: 1. The emotional intelligence of the school administrator under the secondary education service area office Kanchanaburi, collectively, was found at the highest level. When considered each aspect individually, 2 were found at the highest level and 2 were at the high level; ranking from the highest mean to the lower mean as followed: self-management, self - awareness, relationship management, and social perception respectively. 2. The student affairs operation in the school under the secondary education service area office Kanchanaburi, collectively and individually, was found at the highest level, ranking from the highest mean to the lower mean as followed: implementation of democracy promotion in educational institutions, promoting and developing students to have discipline morality, and ethics, student affairs administration, operation of the student support system, assessment of student affairs performance and student affairs planning respectively. 3. There was a statistically significant relationship between the emotional intelligence of administrator and student affairs operation in the schools under the secondary education service area office Kanchanaburi at the .01 level.

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