Buddhism and Solving the Garbage Problem in Khlong Mai Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province Integrated Buddhism

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Phra Rawirote Junthapunyo (Sirisoda)


A research article on “Buddhism and Solving the garbage problem in Khlong Mai Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province integrated buddhism” has the objectives: 1) To study the state of waste problems in Khlong Mai Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province 2) To study the four principles of influence in solving waste problems. in Khlong Mai Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province and 3) To integrate the Four Iddhibat Principles with solving waste problems in Klong Mai Sub-district, Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. From the study, the following results are found:

  1. To study the state of waste problems in Khlong Mai Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province found that waste management Requires a very high investment budget especially the use of incinerators It's a costly thing. And Waste management creates a reservoir of germs. cause environmental problems.

  2. To study the four principles of influence in solving waste problems. in Khlong Mai Subdistrict, Sam Phran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. It was found that each of the interviewees had opinions about the process according to the 4 Iddhibat Principles for waste management. must have a plan in order not to cause damage to the normal life.

  3. To integrate the Four Iddhibat Principles with solving waste problems in Klong Mai Sub-district, Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province found that 1) Things that should be integrated to solve waste problems according to the principle of power 4, we must understand the principle of self-integration in waste management planning 2) Work will be satisfying and loving towards the goal of doing that. want to do that To achieve the goal and 3) must understand Garbage disposal that it is extremely important to cultivate and cultivate consciousness for sustainable development.

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