Practice of the Five Precepts by Personnel at Secondary Schools in Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Phramaha Kitti Kittimatee (Benyabowonkit)
Thawash Homtuanlom


The purposes of this study were: 1) To study the observance of five precepts of secondary school’s personnel in Sam Phran, Nakhon Pathom. 2) To study the factors that related to five precepts of secondary school’s personnel in Sam Phran, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. and 3) To study problems, obstacles, and solutions to observance of five precepts of secondary school’s personnel in Sam Phran, Nakhon Pathom.

          This research the researcher conducted a mixed methodology research consisting of quantitative research. (Quantitative Research) by using survey research method. The sample group used in this research was personnel in secondary schools. in Sam Phran District Nakhon Pathom Province, 318 people, then find the sample size from stratified random sampling for 178 people. The researcher brought all questionnaires to analyze and process using a statistical package for social science research using statistics. as follows: Frequency (Frequency), Percentage (Percentage), Mean (Mean) and Standard Deviation (Standard Deviation). Qualitative research. with in-depth interviews with qualitative key informants the researcher selects 10 key informants and tests for correlation. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used as a method for multiple regression analysis using independent variables as predictive variables. The multiple regression analysis was used by using the selective selection method (Enter Method) according to the order of importance of the variables that were brought into the equation.

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