The Effects of Instruction Emphasizing on Scientific Competencies in the Topic of Chemical Reaction on Scientific Learning Achievement and Scientific Competencies of Grade 9 Students at SetthabutBamphen School in Bangkok Metropolis
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The purposes of this research were (1) to compare the post-learning scientific learning achievement of Grade 3 students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies with that of students who learned under the traditional learning management; (2) to compare scientific competencies level of Grade 3 students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies with that of students who learned under the traditional learning management; (3) to compare the pre-learning and post-learning scientific learning achievements of Grade 3 students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies; and (4) to compare the pre-learning and post-learning scientific competencies levels of Grade 3 students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies.
The research sample consisted of 66 Grade 3 students in two heterogeneous intact classrooms of Setthabut Bamphen School in Bangkok Metropolis, obtained by cluster random sampling. Then, one classroom containing 34 students was randomly assigned as the experimental group; while the other classroom containing 32 students, the control group. The instruments used in this research were (1) learning management plans for the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies in the topic of Chemical Reaction and learning management plans for the traditional learning management; (2) a test on learning achievement in the topic of Chemical Reaction; and (3) a scale to assess scientific competencies. Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings revealed that (1) the post-learning Chemical Reaction learning achievement of students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies and the counterpart learning achievement of the students who learned under the traditional learning management were not significantly different; (2) the scientific competencies level of the students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies was significantly higher than the counterpart competencies level of the students who learned under the traditional learning management at the .05 level of statistical significance; (3) the post-learning Chemical Reaction learning achievement of the students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies was significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart achievement at the .05 level of statistical significance; and (4) the post-learning scientific competencies level of the students who learned under the instruction emphasizing on scientific competencies was significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart competencies level at the .05 level of statistical significance.
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