Applying of Buddhist Principles to Improve People’s Quality of Life in the Area of Tha Sai Community Samut Sakhon Province

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Phramaha Boonlom Phunyakamo (Tiapoen)
Phramaha Weeratis Varinto
Thawash Homtuanlom


The research has the following objectives: to present guidelines for improving the quality of life by applying the Buddhist principles of people in the Tha Sai community area. Samut Sakhon Province conducting documentary research and field research. The results show that 1) Quality of life of people in Tha Sai community area Samut Sakhon Province found that people can live together in society appropriately. does not cause problems for society There are perfection in all four aspects, namely emotional, social, mental and physical, living in society by righteousness. have completeness in life especially in terms of physical and mental including the environment well-being and including a good society as well It is used in the field of self-development and society, making the family happy and being a strong community. 2) Buddhist principles concerning the development of quality of life that are beneficial to the quality of life of the people of Tha Sai community Samut Sakhon Province found that the Buddhist principles concerning the improvement of quality of life are very necessary in the present era. By the principle of Buddhism in Buddhism teaches us to be good people. Having precepts as the basis of life If there is complete precepts, it will make people in society live together happily, such as the 5 precepts, the 8 precepts, the Brahmawihan Dharma. The principle of aparhaniyadhamma, the eightfold path, secular dharma, itdibat dharma, and brahmawihan dharma, etc. and 3) Encouraging people in Tha Sai community to apply the principles of Buddhism for the benefit of a society that is dynamically changing every day. Modern people are increasingly turning their backs to Buddhism. To allow people in the general area to have broad access to Buddhist principles It is necessary to seek cooperation with local authorities, such as the Sub-District Administrative Organization (SAO) to arrange the voices along the lines. Dharma teaching tapes were opened. as well as preaching or discussing dharma problems Answer questions from relatives who have sent questions. Encourage the use of Dharma principles for real benefits, such as the Four Noble Truths in order to know the middle way. Not too obsessed with one thing. will set himself up in moderation However, they must not abandon the traditional customs of the community. Use customs and cultures to promote respectful learning and living. unity There is mutual assistance in the community.

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