The Academic Affairs Administration and Effectiveness of School in Northern Krungthon Group Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Supachai Boonnang
Vorakarn Suksodkiew


The purposes of the current study were to study 1) the academic administration of educational institutions in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan 2) effectiveness of educational institutions in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan, and 3) the relationship between the academic administration and effectiveness of educational institutions in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan. The study was conducted in a descriptive design using informants as an analysis unit. The samples were 152 officers in the institution in the area selected from 76 schools in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan. The results of the study were as follows. 1. The academic administration of educational institutions in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan was generally at a very high level. 10 aspects of administration were found to be at a very high level. In descendant order, the most rated aspects were curriculum development, source selection, learning process development, academic planning, evaluation and assessment, unit transfer, education inspection, interior quality assurance and education standard development, learning support, education media and technology development. 2. The effectiveness of educational institutions in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan was generally very high. All aspects of evaluation were found at a very high level. In descending order of mean score, the aspects of positive relationship with parents, academic leadership, organized and safe environment, hopeful environment, the precise mission of the institutions, the dedication of time in work, and students’ progress inspection were rated respectively. 3. The academic administration and effectiveness of educational institutions in the Northern Krungthon group under the Bangkok metropolitan were found to be positively correlated at a statistical level of .01.

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