The Application the Threefold Training (Tri-Sikkhã) for Development of Youth Leaning, Case Study: Bangphrom School Bangkok Province

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Pra Seksan Panyawachiro (Jaikla)
Yota Chaiworamankul
Thawash Homtuanlom


The research title has objectives of this research were: study the application of the Tri-Sikkhā principles for the development of youth learning. Case study: Klong Bang Phrom School, Bangkok, 2. to study the relationship between personal factors and the application of the Tri-Sikkhā principles to develop youth learning 3. to propose guidelines for applying the Tri-Sikkhā principles to the development of youth learning. Case study: Klong Bang Phrom School, Bangkok. Study research using quantitative research methodology. (Quantitative Research) data was collected using questionnaires. At Khlong Bang Phrom School in Bangkok, 315 students received 169 primary school students by opening a ready-made table (Krejcie and Morgan). The tool was used as a questionnaire. It is a checklist type with a 5-level evaluation scale, an open-ended questionnaire, and an interview form. The statistical significance level is set at 0. 05. The results of the study found that: 1) Khlong Bang Phrom School is a case study of the application of Tri-Sikkhā principles to youth learning development. Bangkok Overall, it was at a high level (= 4.04) and when considering the details of each aspect, it was found that the students had opinions on the application of the Tri-Sikkhā principles to develop youth learning: a case study: Khlong Bang Phrom School. Bangkok the principle of applying knowledge was the highest (= 4.37), followed by the principle of process learning (= 3.99), and the principle of physical participation was the lowest (= 3.93). 2) The results of finding the relationship value of applying the Tri-Sikkhā principles for the development of youth learning. it was found that from hypotheses 1–5, students had no relationship with the application of the Tri-Sikkhā principles to develop youth learning: Khlong Bang Phrom School, Bangkok, which rejects the hypothesis 3) Conditions of problems relating to the application of the Tri-Sikkhā principles for the development of youth learning: a case study of Khlong Bang Phrom School the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration found that students did not understand how to build knowledge about the Tri-Sikkhā and the opinions of each student were different. And the suggestion is to focus on teaching learners how to build more knowledge about the Tri-Sikkhā. The instructor must have the learners focus on expressing their opinions to show the courage to think and act assertively.

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