A Model of Using Songkran Activities to Foster Relationships of Thai and Burmese Buddhists in Krathum Lom Subdistrict, Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Phra.Anucha Dhammaraso (Sirichai)
Phramaha Sathorn Dhammādaro
Yota Chaiworamankul


This research has objectives: 1) to investigate the practice during Songkran festival of Burmese Buddhists; 2) to develop the activities of Songkran festival in fostering relationships of Thai and Burmese Buddhists; and 3) to present a model of using Songkran activities to foster relationships of Thai and Burmese Buddhists in Krathum Lom Subdistrict, Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province. From the study, the following results are found: 1) Temples organize cultural and traditional activities with the goal of strengthening identity, passing down values, and establishing what should be performed during the Thai Songkran festival. 2) Activities that emphasize the relationship of Thai and Burmese Buddhists have already been carried out by every temple in Thailand, but the tangible promotion can be seen in the collaboration between Thai and Burmese to complete the task whenever there is any Buddhist tradition. 3) The organization of Songkran festival to foster relationships of Thai and Burmese Buddhists in Krathum Lom Subdistrict, Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province consists of four kinds of activities: (1) alms round of the two nations; (2) sprinkling water onto the Buddha statues to show gratitude; (3) making merits to the departed and ancestors; and (4) forming sand pagodas. These activities' values include: (1) value for the community (2) value for the society since and (3) value for religion.

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