Strategic Leadership of School Administrator and Quality Management System in World Class Standard Secondary School Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1
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The research Article objectives were to determine 1) Strategic Leadership of school Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1, 2) the Quality Management system in world class Standard Secondary school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1 and 3) the relationship between Strategic Leadership of school Administrator and The Quality Management system in world class Standard Secondary school under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1. The samples were 40 Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1. The respondents of each school consisted of 4 persons: a school director, a deputy director, and 2 teachers with the total of 160 a respondents. The research instrument was a opinionnaire regarding administrator’s Strategic Leadership, based on the concept of Dubrin, and the Quality Management system in world class Standard School, based on the concept of the quality system management guidelines of the Office of Higher Education Administration Office of the Basic Education Commission Ministry of Education. The statistical used were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean. Standard deviation, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings of this study were as follows 1)Strategic Leadership of school Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1 as a whole and each aspects were at
a hight at level. (= 4.38, S.D. = 0.45) 2. The Quality Management system in world class Standard Secondary school under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1 as a whole whole and each aspects were at a hight at level. (= 4.38, S.D. = 0.46) 3. There was a significant relationship between Strategic Leadership of school Administrators and The Quality Management system in world class Standard Secondary school under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office BANGKOK 1 at .01 level.
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