The Development of Communicative English–Speaking Skills for Grade 5 Students by Activity–Based Learning

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Khemchooda Srisuwan
Surattana Adipat


The purpose of this research was comparing the English-speaking skills for communication of grade 5 students before and after learning through Activity Based Learning. The target group in this research is 15 grade 5 students at Chumhonbankuring (Mittaphap 25) School who were studying in the second semester of the academic year 2022, using the purposive sampling. 1) English learning management plan by using Activity Based Learning for developing communicative English-speaking skills 2) English speaking skill’s assessment.

The research results of comparing English speaking skills for communication of grade 5 students after learning through Activity Based Learning was significance higher than those before studying at the .05 level The students had an average score after studying of 12.23 and various values. The standard is equal to 2.07 in terms of controlling English speaking skills before studying, it is equal to 11.00 and has a standard value of 2.28. It must be used as the main basis that English speaking skills before studying is equal to 2.28 for communication of grade5 students. Learning is organized through by Activity Based Learning.

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