The Development of Garage Entrepreneurs' Competency Model in Creative Economy Era

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Nantawich wannasen
Sakarin Yuphong
Akkarat Poolkrajang
Wichien Ketsingha


The objectives of this research article are 1) study the important components of the development of garage entrepreneurs' competency model in creative economy era. 2) develop the garage entrepreneurs' competency model in creative economy era. 3) create a guideline for developing the garage entrepreneurs' competency model in creative economy era. The sample was 350 groups. They were selected by purposive sampling. This research is a qualitative and quantitative research. The tool used for data collection was questionnaires, there were Descriptive statistics and Exploratory Factor Analysis: EFA for data analysis. The research results were found as follows; 1. The key components influencing the results of research in the development of an entrepreneurial framework consist of three aspects: (1) Executive Development, (2) Management, and (3) Creative Economy Development. 2. A car repair service system should be tailored to match the usage patterns of Thai people and be competitive with service centers for all car brands. Entrepreneurs in leadership roles within the organization must prioritize change management as it can lead the organization to achieve its vision and success objectives. 3. The development of the garage entrepreneurs' competency is executive development, management and creative economy development which consists of 4 main factors: knowledge, skills, attributes and management.

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