Transformational Leadership of Administrators and Effectiveness of School Under the secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom

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Adithep Sengsai
Sanguan Inrak


This purposes of this research were to determine 1) the transformational leadership of administrators of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom, 2) the effectiveness of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom, and 3 the transformational leadership between administrator's roles and the effectiveness of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom. The sample consisted of 28 schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding transformational leadership of administrators based on Kouzes and Posner and Information and the effectiveness of schools based on the concept of Lunenburg and Ornstien. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The finding of this research was as follow; 1. The transformational leadership of administrators of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom, overall and each perspective, was found at a highest level, sorting from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean as follows: encouraging the heart, modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision challenging the process and enabling others to act. 2. The effectiveness of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom, overall and each perspective, was found at a highest level, sorting from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean as follows: a clear school mission, a safe and orderly environment, Frequent monitoring of student progress, instruction leadership, a climate of high expectation, high time on task, and positive home-school relations. 3. The relationship between the transformation leadership of administrators and the effectiveness of school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Pathom was found at .01 level of statistical significance.

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