The Development of Problem Solving and Mathematical Communication Abilities on Adding and Subtracting Fractions Using the Cooperative Learning Technique TGT Combined with Think Pair Square Share Technique for Primary IV Students of Watpailom (Poolpracha-upatham) School
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The objectives of this research article are: 1) to compare the learning achievements in mathematics on adding and subtracting fractions before and after learning by the cooperative learning technique TGT combined with Think Pair Square Share technique and the achievement after learning with 70 percent criterion 2) to compare the problem solving and mathematical communication abilities of students after learning by the cooperative learning technique TGT combined with Think Pair Square Share technique with 70 percent criterion and 3) to study the satisfaction of students who received the cooperative learning technique TGT combined with Think Pair Square Share technique. The students were devised into 38 fourth-grade students at Watphailom School (Poolprachaupatham) School, Nakhon Pathom Province, Nakhon Pathom Province, derived by simple random sampling. The research instruments were: 1) lesson plans 2) an achievement test 3) an ability test on problem solving and mathematical communication abilities and 4) a questionnaire. The results showed that: 1) the students’ learning achievement after learning by the cooperative learning technique TGT combined with Think Pair Square Share technique was higher than that of before and then 70 percent criterion with statistical significance at .05 2) the students’ problem solving and mathematical communication ability after learning by the cooperative learning technique TGT combined with Think Pair Square Share technique was higher than 70 percent criterion at significant level .05 and 3) the level of satisfaction from the student was the highest level.
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