A Form of Folk Handicrafts from Agricultural Waste

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Arpaporn Sodkampang
Preecha Pun-klum


This research article is to study the management of agricultural waste within a research study in promoting and increasing the value of agricultural waste through the local area. And try out the designs of academic at youth workshops and be able to use agricultural scraps Agricultural materials are used in church product. Using experimental research methods by searching for specific properties from agricultural waste materials. By choosing from scrap materials in each type of area. That occurred after farming in the area Case study of Prang Nakhon community to obtain the necessary information to lead to product design results.     The results of this study showed that: 1) The successful prototype of product design helped promotes and add the value of Thai local wisdom. 2) Discovered the specific characteristic of cassava leaves when mixed with local clay soil led to finding new materials. 3) The result of this study can be used in the practical fields, adding value and reducing the cost of original handicrafts product. Decreasing the temperature in burning from 1,100 Celsius rest to 900 Celsius while having the same properties. Furthermore, decreased the time for making the handicraft and decreased the cost of local clay soil when mixing with cassava leaves. The products were designed according to specific characteristics for use in the practical places. Which can help solve the problems of living space. Designed as floor tiles for water-absorbing properties, prevent slipping and use to decorate the garden. The floor tiles can be installed temporarily and permanently. This study found alternative materials that are suitable for use as anti-slip surfaces and can be used decorated in the garden or bathroom floor for the elderly living area.

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