Operational Approach of Morality and Ethics Promotion of Students with learning Disabilities of Disability Specific Schools, Special Education Bureaus in the South

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Phonprinan Phasuntharatham
Chaowanee Kaewmano


The objectives of this research study were 1. To study about the problems of operational approach of morality and ethics promotion of students with intellectual disabilities of disability specific schools, Special Education Bureaus in the south. 2. To study the operational approach of morality and ethics promotion of students with intellectual disabilities of disability specific schools, Special Education Bureaus in the south. This research is mixed methods research. The sample was 165 of administrators, teachers as well as teachers who responded morality and ethics promotion of students with intellectual disabilities of disability specific schools, Special Education Bureaus in the south. This research was collected the data by a questionnaire and interviewed.The statistics were used for data analysis using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. It was found that 1. The problems of operational approach of morality and ethics promotion of students with intellectual disabilities of disability specific schools, Special Education Bureaus in the south on the whole were in medium levels considered each aspect, planning was in high level, improvement, Implementation of the plan aspect and inspection respectively. 2. The operational approach of morality and ethics promotion of students with intellectual disabilities of specific schools, Special Education Bureaus in the south on the whole were in high levels considered each aspect, administration and management were 1) Planning 2) Implementation of the plan 3) Inspection 4) Improvement.

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