The Managerial Skills of Administrators and Education Quality of District Non-Formal and Informal Education Central Regional

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Kowit Mungkot
Vorakarn Suksodkitw


The objectives of this research were to determine 1) administrative skills of school administrators of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in the Central Region, 2) the implementation of the standards of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education. Hospitable District, Central Region and 3) The relationship between administrative skills of educational institute administrators and the standard operation of non-formal and informal education centers in central regions. The sample group was non-formal and informal education centers in districts, regions. There were 132 central education centers. Research is an opinion questionnaire. The results of this research revealed that: 1) Administrative skills of educational institute administrators of the center of non-formal and informal education in the central region, overall and each aspect. at the highest level as follows: Interpersonal skills political skills diagnostic skills conceptual skills and technical skills, respectively.      2) Implementation of the standards of the Center for Non-formal Education and Informal Education in the Central Region, as a whole, was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that 8 aspects were at the highest level, and 1 aspect was at the high level, ranked according to the arithmetic mean value, from descending to the following: Teacher development aspect and personnel of educational institutions Regarding the educational quality assurance system of educational institutions The management of educational institutions that emphasize participation The use of digital technology to support management, supervision, follow-up and evaluation of educational institutions' performance. on the performance of duties of the school committee according to the specified roles Promoting and supporting the creation of a learning society Promotion Support network partners to participate in education management and research for educational management, respectively. 3)Administrative Skills of Educational Institution Administrators and Implementation of the Standards of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in District The central region is related. statistically significant at the .01 level.

The objectives of this research were to determine 1) administrative skills of school administrators of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in the Central Region, 2) the implementation of the standards of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education. Hospitable District, Central Region and 3) The relationship between administrative skills of educational institute administrators and the standard operation of non-formal and informal education centers in central regions. The sample group was non-formal and informal education centers in districts, regions. There were 132 central education centers. Research is an opinion questionnaire. The results of this research revealed that: 1) Administrative skills of educational institute administrators of the center of non-formal and informal education in the central region, overall and each aspect. at the highest level as follows: Interpersonal skills political skills diagnostic skills conceptual skills and technical skills, respectively.      2) Implementation of the standards of the Center for Non-formal Education and Informal Education in the Central Region, as a whole, was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that 8 aspects were at the highest level, and 1 aspect was at the high level, ranked according to the arithmetic mean value, from descending to the following: Teacher development aspect and personnel of educational institutions Regarding the educational quality assurance system of educational institutions The management of educational institutions that emphasize participation The use of digital technology to support management, supervision, follow-up and evaluation of educational institutions' performance. on the performance of duties of the school committee according to the specified roles Promoting and supporting the creation of a learning society Promotion Support network partners to participate in education management and research for educational management, respectively. 3)Administrative Skills of Educational Institution Administrators and Implementation of the Standards of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in District The central region is related. statistically significant at the .01 level.

The objectives of this research were to determine 1) administrative skills of school administrators of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in the Central Region, 2) the implementation of the standards of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education. Hospitable District, Central Region and 3) The relationship between administrative skills of educational institute administrators and the standard operation of non-formal and informal education centers in central regions. The sample group was non-formal and informal education centers in districts, regions. There were 132 central education centers. Research is an opinion questionnaire. The results of this research revealed that: 1) Administrative skills of educational institute administrators of the center of non-formal and informal education in the central region, overall and each aspect. at the highest level as follows: Interpersonal skills political skills diagnostic skills conceptual skills and technical skills, respectively.      2) Implementation of the standards of the Center for Non-formal Education and Informal Education in the Central Region, as a whole, was at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that 8 aspects were at the highest level, and 1 aspect was at the high level, ranked according to the arithmetic mean value, from descending to the following: Teacher development aspect and personnel of educational institutions Regarding the educational quality assurance system of educational institutions The management of educational institutions that emphasize participation The use of digital technology to support management, supervision, follow-up and evaluation of educational institutions' performance. on the performance of duties of the school committee according to the specified roles Promoting and supporting the creation of a learning society Promotion Support network partners to participate in education management and research for educational management, respectively. 3)Administrative Skills of Educational Institution Administrators and Implementation of the Standards of the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in District The central region is related. statistically significant at the .01 level.

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