Effect of Accounting Competency and Organization Environmental on the Quality of Financial Reports for Accounting Firms in Pathum Thani Province
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This study focuses on factors affecting the quality of financial reports of accounting firms in Pathum Thani. The purposes of the research are to examine and gain better understanding of drivers that influence the quality of financial reports of accounting firms in Pathum Thani. The research questions are 1) the accounting competency that affects the quality of financial reports of accounting firms in Pathum Thani 2) the organizational environment that affects the quality of financial reports of accounting firms in Pathum Thani. Additionally, two hypotheses are raised to answer the research questions. The quantitative research is applied in this study. A total of 110 of 151 accounting office executives in Pathum Thani by using Taro Yamane’s method participates in the study. Additionally, the questionnaire with description of purpose of survey is distributed. The researcher uses multiple regression in analysis the data. The result indicates that firstly, there is a positive relation between the accounting competency and the financial report quality of the accounting firm and this result is statistically significance at 0.00. Also, there is a positive relation between the internal and external organizational environment and the financial report quality of the accounting firm and this result is statistically significance at 0.00 and 0.021 accordingly.
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