The Development Guideline for the Student Assistance Support System in Darulbahar Al-Islammee Witthaya School Amphor Saiburi Pattani Province

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Muzammil Lateh
Navarat Waichompu


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the operation of 2) to study the development guidelines student care and support system, and 3) to develop a student care and support system. Darulbahar Al-Islami Wittaya School, SaiBuri District, Pattani Province Key informants were teachers, students and There were 24 parents in total. The research tool was a semi-structured interview form. Analyze data with analytics. The key informants were 3 educational experts. The research tools were the model and Interview Data analysis by content analysis. The key informants in the focus group were 3 experts in private education. The research tools were focus groups according to the PDCA model. The results of this research revealed that: 1. Development of an overall student support system The problem encountered was the unavailability of personnel to send students. As for getting to know each student as an individual, teachers also have to know more in order to screen students who can be divided into individual groups in order to prevent and solve problems at the point and to find ways that can promote students in the areas that students are interested and have next skill. 2. Guidelines for the development of student support systems Schools should pay attention to the importance of the student support system because it is Helping students in the right way should encourage and support continuous operation in educational institutions in addition, the arrangement technical development projects in the form of developing a student support system for teachers involved will increase their potential of teachers. 3 The result of the development of the student care and support system by using the PDCA cycle according to component Procedure There is an evaluation for Review the development of the care system Internal assessment according to school criteria by organizing a supervision team to follow up, inspect and evaluate Conduct and organize meetings to review reports on the development of the student support system.

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