Administrator’s Competency Affecting Teacher’s Performance in School Under Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Charida Intanom
Oraphan Toujinda
Duangiai Chanasid


This research aimed to: 1) study the competency level of administrators; 2) study the level of teachers’ performance in schools; and 3) analyze the administrators’ competency affecting the teachers’ performance in schools. The research sample was 313 administrators and teachers in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area 1, derived by proportional stratified random sampling as distributed by educational institution size. The research instrument was a questionnaire constructed by the researcher. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of the research were as follows: 1. Overall and in each aspect, the competency of school administrators was at the highest level. The aspects were teamwork, achievement orientation, communication and motivation, and good service, respectively. 2. Overall and in each aspect, the teachers’ performance in schools was at the highest level. The aspects were behaving as a good example, personal and professional development, organizing learning activities, striving to develop students to their full potential, and building relationships and collaborating with community, respectively. 3. The administrators’ competency in the aspects of teamwork (X1), self-improvement (X5), achievement orientation (X3), good service (X4), and communication and motivation (X2), collectively predicted the factor affecting the performance of teachers in the schools at the percentage of 57.60 with statistical significance level of .05. The regression analysis equation was: tot= 1.22 + 0.10 (X1) + 0.25 (X5) + 0.21 (X3) + 0.09 (X4) + 0.09 (X2)

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