The Motivation of Volunteer Monks in Aranyaprathet District Sakaeo Province

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Sukanya Seetha
Phrakhrusangkharak Abhichando
Prasit Kaewsri


The purposes of this study are to: 1) Study the characteristics of the motivational components of being a volunteer monk in the Aranyaprathet District, Sakaeo Province; 2) study ways to encourage volunteer-minded monks in the Aranyaprathet District, Sakaeo Province; and 3) develop a model for providing motivation for being a volunteer monk. This research is qualitative research with 12 of volunteer monks in Sakaeo province who stayed the Buddhist Lent and whose works were obvious in the Aranyaprathet District, we had the ability to sample the population by In-depth interview questions and content analysis. It was founded that : 1) there are two incentive factors: internal factors: spirituality, providers, demanders, sociality, unpaid workers and free help to others; External factors: the framework and policies of clergy; Good social conditions and role models; 2) Work and motivation: knowledge development; Ideological adaptation; Adapting to different situations by encouraging participation; Buddhist principles supporting the characteristics of volunteerism, including the Four Paths of Accomplishment, four holy abiding and four objects of sympathy. 3) Systematically form a volunteer work model, that is, set goals, have a positive attitude, act immediately, establish a network, and continue to work.

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