Multicultural Leadership of School Administrators in Sungai Kolok District Narathiwat Under Narathiwat Primary Education Service Area Office 2

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anoowa lormae
Tripumin Tritrishual
Worachai Pannittayaphong


Multicultural leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district Narathiwat province under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2. This reserch aim to 1) To study the level of multicultural’s leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2. 2) To compare’s multicultural leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district under the Narathiwat primary educational service area office 2, classified by gender, religion, work experience age and school size. 3) To collect all suggestions for developing in multicultural leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district. under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2. The samples test used in this research were teachers working in Su-ngai Kolok district. Under the Narathiwat primary educational service area office 2, academic year 2022, the number of 186 people were questionnaires. The tool used was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research are descriptive statistics. The results showed that: 1) Multicultural leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok District Narathiwat Province Under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, it was found that overall and in each aspect at a high level In descending order, they are raising awareness and sensitivity to multicultural education Building relationships with the community Educational management that is consistent with the local context and promoting participation in working with partners in every sector respectively. 2) Comparative results of leadership multicultural of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district. under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2, Classified by gender, religion, work experience, age, and school size, found that teachers in different school sizes had different opinions on multicultural leadership was significance at the level .05, Teachers with different gender, religion, work experience and age, there were no different opinions on multicultural leadership of school administrators. 3) Recommendations for developing multicultural leadership It was found that executives should understand the diversity of multiculturalism. study local learning resources community participation in education management and study visits within the country and abroad.

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