Academic Leadership of School Administrators SungaiKo-lok District Narathiwat Province under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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sahabudeng chemah
Tripumin Tritrishual
Worachai Pannittayaphong


This research aims to 1) To study the academic leadership of school administrators. 2) To Compare academic leadership of school administrators, classified by gender, work experience, and school size. 3) Summarize recommendations for the development of academic leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2, This survey research involves a sample group of 186 teachers working in schools in Sungai Kolok District, under the jurisdiction of the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, during the 2022 academic year. Data collection tools include questionnaires, and statistical analysis involves percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, F-tests, and content analysis. The results showed that 1) The overall academic leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2., are at a high level. 2) When comparing the academic leadership of school administrators in Su-ngai Kolok district under the Narathiwat primary education service area office 2., based on gender, work experience, and school size, it was found that teachers, both male and female, have similar overall opinions. Similarly, teachers with different levels of work experience have similar opinions about the academic leadership characteristics of educational administrators. However, teachers working in schools of different sizes have significantly different opinions at the .001 level of statistical significance. 3)Recommendations for the development of academic leadership characteristics of educational administrators include promoting the assessment of students based on their actual abilities, giving importance to students with special talents, evaluating the quality of students' learning outcomes, and ensuring that teachers have modern educational technology to foster innovation.

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