The Principles of Bhavana 4 of Administrators and Personnel Management in School under Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Nichapa Phoodaung
Phramaha Thamrong Thitapuñño


The objective of this research was; 1) to study the 4 principles of development of administrators under Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2) Study tour of personnel management in educational institutes under the Office of Secondary Education Service Area 3) To study the relationship between the four principles of Bhawana of administrators and personnel administration in educational institutions under the Office of Nonthaburi Secondary Education Service Area. The results of research were found that: 1) Principles of Prayer 4 of Educational Institution Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Nonthaburi Overall, the average is at a high level. When considering the mean on each side, it was at a high level in all aspects. Sorted by average from the highest to the lowest, namely physical meditation, intellectual meditation, moral meditation, mental meditation, respectively. 2) Personnel management of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Nonthaburi, as a whole, was at a high level. When considering the average of each aspect was at a high level in all aspects. Sorted by average from highest to lowest, namely Discipline and Discipline. Manpower planning and determination Improving the efficiency of government operations Recruitment and appointment to resign from government service. 3) Principles of Bhavana 4 of administrators and personnel administration in educational institutions had a high overall relationship (Rxy = 0.94) and a statistically significant positive relationship at the 0.01 level.

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