The Administrator Competency and Teacher’s Performance on Teacher Professional Standards Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1

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Apichaya Janyasri


The purposes of this research were to determine 1) administrator’s competency under the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 1, 2) teacher’s performance on teacher professional standards under the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 1 and 3) the relationship between administrator’s competency and teacher’s performance on teacher professional standards. The sample of this research were 59 schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1. The four respondents from each school were a school director a deputy director, human resources, head of department and a teacher, with the total of 236. The research instrument was a questionnaire concerning administrator’s competency based on According to the criteria and methods for selection and appointment to the position of school director, 2017 and teacher’s job according to Professional Standards for Teachers based on the Regulations of the Teachers Council of Thailand on Professional Standards B.E. 2562 (2019). The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The findings were as follows: 1. Administrator’s competency under the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 1, collectively and individually, was found at a high level. By arranging the arithmetic mean values from highest to lowest as follows: Leadership, Achievement Motivation, communication-motivation, vision, personnel potential development, teamwork, analysis-synthetic, self-development, and service mind 2. Teacher’s performance on teacher professional standards under the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 1, collectively and individually, was found at a high level. By arranging the arithmetic mean values from highest to lowest as follows: performing teacher, relationships with parents and community and learning management. 3. The relationship between administrator’s competency and teacher performance on teacher professional standards under the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 1 were statistically significance at the .01 level with a moderate relationship.

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