A Comparison of Learning Basic Keyboard Instrument Achievement between Kodaly Teaching Method and Normal Teaching Method of Prathomsuksa 6 Students
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare the achievement of basic keyboard instrument learning in the music class before and after being taught by the Kodaly teaching method. 2) to compare the achievement of basic keyboard instrument learning in the music class before and after being taught by the normal teaching method. 3) to compare the achievement of basic keyboard instrument learning in the music class after being taught by the Kodaly teaching method and the normal teaching method. The samples were 48 Prathomsuksa 6 students studying in the first semester of Worakhamin Anusorn School according to the number selected through the Krejcie & Morgan table. Two groups of students were entered into the experiment by simple random sampling: a control group of 24 students and an experimental group of 24 students. The research instruments were 1) basic keyboard instrument skills assessment forms 2) basic keyboard instrument skills practices using the Kodaly teaching method and 3) the Kodaly teaching and the normal teaching-learning plans. Statistics used to include the means, standard deviations, dependent t-test and independent t-test. The results of the research were as follows: 1. Basic keyboard instrument learning achievement in the music class teaching by the Kodaly teaching method was significantly higher than the before one with a statistical level of .01. 2. Basic keyboard instrument learning achievement in the music class teaching by the normal teaching method was significantly higher than the before one with a statistical level of .01. 3. Basic keyboard instrument learning in the music class after teaching by the Kodaly teaching method was statistical higher than after teaching by the normal one with a statistical level of .01.
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