The Administrators Leadership and Quality of Work Life of Teacher under Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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khattiya duangsamran


The objectives of this research article are to study 1) the leadership of educational institution administrators. 2) Quality of working life of primary school teachers and 3) Leadership of educational institution administrators and the quality of work life of primary school teachers. Under the jurisdiction of the Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1. It is descriptive research by using schools as the unit of analysis, the population includes 32 schools under the Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1. There are 4 people providing information per school. The research instrument was a questionnaire regarding the leadership of educational institution administrators. According to the theory of Kush and Posner and principles, concepts, and theories regarding the quality of working life of teachers. According to the theoretical concept of Cummings and Worley Data analysis using ready-made programs Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean. standard deviation and analysis of the Pearson correlation coefficient. The research results found that: 1. Leadership of educational institution administrators, the overall level is at a high level. and each aspect is at the highest level. Arranged from highest to lowest as follows: Process Challenges The show is an example of conduct. Inspiring a shared vision morale boosting and delegating authority to others to perform tasks in sequence. 2. Quality of working life of primary school teachers Under the jurisdiction of the Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, the overall level is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it is at the highest level. Arranged from highest to lowest as follows: Personnel potential development A safe and hygienic environment Regulatory aspect Pride in the organization Working together Fair and sufficient compensation Progress and stability in work and balance in personal life and work, respectively. 3. The leadership of school administrators is related to the quality of work life of primary school teachers. Under the jurisdiction of the Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, overall, the relationship is at a moderate level. Statistically significant at the .01 level. 

Keywords: Quality of Work;

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