Language and Financial Ideology in Financial Advertisements on Thai Television

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Natha Angsuwiriya


The objectives of the study are to analyze the relationship between language and ideology in financial transaction advertisements on Thai television dealing with saving and getting a loan. Data in the study was collected from 77 financial transaction advertisements from 2015 to 2016 applying the descriptive analysis and analyzing linguistic strategies. Findings revealed an important ideology, i.e. financial ideology. Analyzing language used in the advertisements revealed financial ideology of the importance of money. In addition, linguistic strategies employed in the study also revealed financial ideology in terms of having a better life shown in advertisements including values of life, houses and cars, business and family. The linguistic choices that the producers used in the study also showed three important concepts, which are the financial institutes being constructed as givers, authorities, and supporters. Financial institutes and advertising companies played an important role in constructing the image of having better quality of life on audiences. This is because having a better life quality relating to finance that the media keeps on reproducing plays an important role in the audience’s perceptions towards carrying out financial transaction as carefully planned by media producers.

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How to Cite
Angsuwiriya, N. (2019). Language and Financial Ideology in Financial Advertisements on Thai Television. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 39(2), 32–51. Retrieved from
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