ฺBeauty Ideal through Transnational Media and Its Effects to Cosmetic Surgery

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Mana Patchimnan


This article is intended to use the theory of cultural imperialism and other related concepts to analyze the phenomenon of the beauty ideal through transnational media and its effects on cosmetic surgery in Thailand. Moreover, this article is described about the imperialist structural which explains the influence of transnational media from Thailand into Cambodia in terms of the ideal beauty and cosmetic surgery. The author founds that the first world countries have a clear policy on the dissemination of culture through transnational media and businesses in order to achieve the culture acceptance in the third world countries. The final goal is to grow the economy
in the global level. Part of the culture that is accepted is the beauty ideal from the first world countries which unlike the traditional beauty norms of the society. These causes body dissatisfaction when comparing themselves with the beauty ideal from the media. As the result of the beauty ideal from media, people want the privileges of beauty, the social mobility, or the purchase of racial capital. Then, these results in the need for cosmetic surgery.

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How to Cite
Patchimnan, M. (2019). ฺBeauty Ideal through Transnational Media and Its Effects to Cosmetic Surgery. University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Journal Humanities and Social Sciences, 37(1), 125–139. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/utccjournalhs/article/view/176136
Academic Article


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